
Download terry pratchett hogfather
Download terry pratchett hogfather

download terry pratchett hogfather

She visits the Hogfather's Castle of Bones, only to find the hung-over Bilious, the "Oh God" of Hangovers. As he had planned, Susan Sto Helit is unable to resist her curiosity and tries to find the Hogfather. Teatime, who is in a realm created by children's belief where death (and thus Death) does not exist, he appears at his granddaughter's place of work dressed as the Hogfather.

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Due to Death's simplistic understanding of the meaning of Hogswatch, he commits several acts supposedly to aid restoring belief in the Hogfather but which Albert believes are unacceptable, including granting more life to a deceased matchgirl and stealing food from a luxury restaurant to give to the Canting Crew (whilst replacing said restaurant's stock with mud and old boots). Knowing that the Hogfather is also responsible for the sun rising, Death attempts to maintain belief by dressing up as the Hogfather and fulfilling his role, aided by his servant Albert. With these teeth, he is able to control all the children on the Discworld, commanding them to no longer believe in the Hogfather.

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Teatime enlists the help of some gangsters to find a delivery person working for the Tooth Fairy, using his magic to break into her kingdom and stealing all the collected teeth. Teatime who has a reputation for ruthlessness and creative solutions.

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Forbidden to interfere directly by "The Rules", they pay the Assassin's Guild to kill the Hogfather instead. The Auditors of Reality, a group of "celestial bureaucrats" attempt to eliminate the Hogfather, a jolly god-like creature who brings children presents on December 32nd, similar to the figures of Santa Claus and Father Christmas in the US and UK. While Death attempts to fill in for the Hogfather, his granddaughter Susan Sto Helit tries to find and rescue the Hogfather. The book focuses on the absence of the Hogfather, a mythical creature akin to Father Christmas, who grants children's wishes on Hogswatchnight (December 32) and brings them presents. It came in 137th place in The Big Read, a BBC survey of the most loved British books of all time, making it one of fifteen books by Pratchett in the Top 200. It was first released in 1996 and published by Victor Gollancz. Hogfather is the 20th Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, and a 1997 British Fantasy Award nominee.

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